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Creating a Space for Money

by D'Arcy Benincosa

On this week’s episode of the Play It Brave Podcast, I’m letting you in on one of my favorite lessons in money. I’m giving you a step by step guide on how to create a space to let money in. Hit Play!

4 Steps To Create a Space for Money:

1. Purge your Home

Set aside time to go through your closet, drawers, kitchen, garage, or any other parts of your home that feel cluttered. Let go of anything that no longer serves you. Let go of anything that is subconsciously filling your mind with clutter.

2. Forgive yourself and others

It’s time to forgive yourself and others for the mistakes they have made. This should involve any lingering resentments, any mistakes involving money, and should leave you feeling lighter.

3. Purge your need to save others

One thing that will keep you playing small, is trying to save everyone around you. You have to start thinking of yourself and making space for yourself. If you are constantly trying to save others, you will never have enough time, money, or energy to save yourself.

4. Purge your calendar

This could one of the hardest steps to take. Your most valuable asset is your TIME. If you are constantly on calls, getting coffee, and overbooking yourself, you will not have the time to create wealth.


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Contracts, Privacy Policies, and more. Use code DARCYB10 for 10% off!

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Crappy website? Say no more. Get 20% off a template with code PLAYITBRAVE. You're welcome.

Have no time to submit to publications?

Don’t let your images gather dust on a hard drive – GET THEM SEEN (and gain street cred too).

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Learn my simple tweaks you can make that will have you attracting your dream clients with the portfolio you have TODAY.

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