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How to Release and Heal with Nature

by D'Arcy Benincosa

On this episode of the Play it Brave Podcast, I’m diving in to the practices I use to nuture myself when I am feeling disconnected, drained, and unloved. I’m talking about how to use nature as a tool to create healing in our lives. Hit Play!

How we treat mother earth, is how we treat ourselves.

The benefits of connecting to the Earth:

  • Restores and strengthens your energy field
  • Brings a sense of security and calmness
  • Connects us back to ourselves
  • Discharge unwanted energy to be recycled to new energy
  • Re-center the physical body with the mental body and the emotional body
  • Can ease anxiety and depression


The earth is a breathing, living spirit. She supports all life on this planet. Grounding with mother earth helps when you feel scattered, anxious, overwhelmed, lacking support, and out of balance in your life or your business.

Grounding will help you if you feel drained, unsupported, disconnected, and unloved. By connecting to earth, you can dissipate depression and fear. This is about connecting to the deep roots within you that stem from Mother, which encourages healing in your life.


Air is used to calm and clear your mind. It energizes and enlightens you. It is at your disposal as easy as taking a DEEP BREATH. Simple. Energizing. As you intentionally breathe in, make sure to ask air to invigorate your mind, cleanse your blood, and help you greet the day with clarity. 

Use your deep connection to air when you are making major decisions, when you are in negotiations or making big purchases, when you are teaching or giving speeches, and when you are having important communication.


Water is the cleansing energy and should be used as a tool to wash away anything unwanted or old.

If you’re feeling stuck in life or in your business, use water as a resource to cleanse yourself of the unwanted stagnant energy. Think of paddling down a river, it’s being in literally, and that will help you flow energetically through any blocks you may face.


Fire is about igniting something!  Which is why we light candles in our homes and on alters, to transmute energy into passion, renewal, creativity, and possibility within ourselves. 

Fire needs a place in your life if you’re stuck in blaming others (or yourself), excuses, or self pity. Gazing into a fire brings about a feeling of romance, ambience, it connects us to our dreams, our desires, and our passions. Ask fire energy to awaken you to your courage and potential.


Read Tending to the Sacred: Rituals to Connect with Earth, Spirit, and Self by Ashley River Brant.

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