How many ways do you allow true wealth into your life?
Most people say money in the bank, and yes, that’s one. But what about ALL THE OTHER WAYS TO BE WEALTHY? On the first episode of the 2023 Play It Brave podcast, I’m diving into ALL the ways to bring wealth in your life in preparation for a magical year of mastery for all of you artists, creatives, writers, dreamers!
A positive mindset is the heart, the beginning, the catalyst, the basis of all riches.
Think about it. Your mindset is the most important act of wealth you can have in your life. Is your mindset one of gratitude, wealth, abundance, love, worthiness, curiosity, intelligence, and solution based? Or is it one of victimhood, blame, negativity, poverty, scarcity, self-loathing, and problems? It’s always your choice how you think and how you think truly determines your wealth.
If you’ve ever been sick, you know how precious health is. Your mind must think in terms of health and not illness. Being physically active is a non-negotiable for a wealthy life. I used to have a concept of myself that kept me from doing things–simple things—like hiking, bike riding, swimming. My unhealthy thoughts were killing me.
The most important loving relationship is, of course, the one you have with yourself. From there, all love flows in beauty and connection with others. Our friendships, partnerships and family relationships are the source of great wealth in our lives.
Fear of failure, fear of what other people think, fear of not having enough food or shelter are just a few of the deep fears people can feel on a daily basis. True wealth is being free of fear.
You are rich when you see your highest potential, connect with your highest self, and put in motion your dreams to achieve what you desire. The ability to make dreams come true is wealth. How wealthy are we to live in America–we have more rights and opportunities than any country on the planet. Any of them. We really can put a dream out there and have the possibility of it coming true.
We spend a third of our lives (or more) working–but to be truly wealthy, we get to LOVE what we do. It should form us into better people, it should utilize our hearts and minds for the betterment of mankind. If you are your own boss, and you don’t love your job, only you can change it. When you love a job, go the extra mile. Serve better. Serve more. It will always always come back to you.
Faith is the basis of all miracles. Faith is a link between our conscious minds and the infinite intelligence of the universe. Faith connects us to our higher selves, our creative intelligence, and to source and God combined. Faith and prayer prevail where science cannot make sense. Having faith is an alchemy of wealth.
Tolerance can only be expressed by someone with an open mind on all subjects. When you have an open mind, you’re able to attain true education and to truly see another person’s point of view.. A wealth of knowledge is true wealth.
True wealth is happiness, and happiness comes from sharing. Learning to share what you have is one of life’s greatest riches.
When you learn to master yourself, your habits, your thoughts, and your commitments, you can’t help but be successful and gain real wealth. Humility is one of the greatest disciplines of all.
This is the foundation of friendship. Understanding other people, understanding yourself, leads to harmony, friendship, understanding, and resolution. We all have a desire for freedom, for self expression, for love. We are more alike than we are different. When you increase your capacity to understand others it is because you truly understand yourself, you have mastered your emotions, you approach life as an adult. These are the kinds of leaders that our world needs and craves.
This is the tangible money in the bank–the thing that so many people focus so much of their efforts on while ignoring the other 11 riches. This one is just as important as the others, but remember, it is not more important than any of the others.
What’s a key to true wealth that you’ve found in your life?
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