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Shake Up the Body Shaming Culture with Ebbi Nicole

by D'Arcy Benincosa

In a world obsessed with change, it is my deepest belief that it is our courage and bravery to love ourselves, our bodies, and who we are inside and out that allows us to live our best life. If you’re like me and have experienced a lifetime of yo-yo diets, starving, bingeing, and talking negatively about your body, then I invite you to join me and listen in on my conversation with fellow fluffy girl, Ebbi Nicole. We’re sharing our biggest tips for becoming more body positive and advocating for a stop to body shaming in our culture. This one’s especially for you ladies! We all have those negative thoughts about our bodies, whether big or small. Join the conversation and hit play!

About Ebbi Nicole:

Ebbi Nicole is the owner of Fluffy GRL Movement, an education and entertainment brand that amplifies the plus and curvy voice through innovative events, workshops, and story sharing. Despite many NOs, Ebbi has used a few YESes to challenge the status quo about how plus people are viewed in the media and society.

With over 10 years of experience in storytelling and body advocacy, Ebbi has leveraged partnerships with industry giants like Lane Bryant and Universal Standard to spark important conversations amongst thousands of women and about inclusivity, self acceptance and reclaiming your power in a body negative society.

6 Ways to Become More Body Positive:

Take inventory: Look at your body naked and get acquainted with yourself. 

Take Back Your Time: If you spend so much time hating your body and saying negative things about yourself, then that time could be better spent loving yourself and appreciating every dimple, dent, and roll.

Reprogram Your Brain: You have the power to reprogram your brain. Every time you look into the mirror, say “I love you” to yourself. Even if you don’t feel like you mean it, you will eventually.

You Are Worthy: It’s time to let go of the thoughts that if you don’t love your body, no one else will. You are worthy of love and acceptance for WHO you are, NOT the labels that you’re given.

Do It For YOU: If you lose weight, do it for you, not other people’s acceptance.

Seek Help: When you feel yourself replaying the negative Nancy narrative over and over again, that’s an indicator that it might be time to seek outside help other than yourself. Therapy IS a thing, and is strongly recommended for ANYONE who has experienced trauma or negative thoughts of any kind.

3 Ways to Shake Up Body Shaming Culture:

It’s not JUST about loving yourself. It’s about being able to be who you are in the world without the shame of others. Once you’ve worked through loving yourself (let’s be honest, it’s constant work), then you really need to be sharing your story and amplifying your voice. It’s time to shake up the thought patterns of our culture.

  1. Reclaim your time: Instead of spending time thinking negative thoughts, put that energy into spreading positivity, encouragement, and awareness.
  2. Take what you’ve learned from your journey and amplify your message in various ways (podcasts, events, conversations, social media, etc). It takes a movement of more people showing up who aren’t just “skinny white Hollywood” to normalize ALL body types.
  3. Follow, Share and Amplify other voices:

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