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Scale Your Business FASTER with These Biohacking Tips!

by D'Arcy Benincosa

Do you find yourself walking through life with low energy, productivity or clarity? You might be experiencing brain fog (which is a real thing, by the way). In fact, most of us (especially entrepreneurs) experience brain fog to some degree. The truth is, when we take the time to clear the brain fog, we can become so much more productive and spend less time working! On today’s episode, Tanessa Shears, a health consultant for entrepreneurs is sharing her biggest tips for optimizing your performance so you can produce more meaningful, impactful work output to scale your business faster! Hit play to get ALLLL the amazing info!

About Tanessa Shears:

Tanessa is a health consultant that helps entrepreneurs scale their business by optimizing their health, focus & productivity with science and biohacking. Her passion is working closely with business owners to implement effective sleep, nutrition, work flow and stress management strategies to eliminate brain fog and help them get more done in 8 hours than most people can get done in a week. She does this by optimizing the performance capacity of your body & brain so you can produce more meaningful, impactful work output and scale your business faster.

Symptoms of Brain Fog:

  • Forgetfulness
  • Lack of clarity
  • Low energy/fatigue
  • Living on coffee to sustain your workflow
  • Unable to focus and concentrate
  • Easily distracted

You cannot make good decisions and stay focused when you don’t have brain clarity and energy.

Brain Fog is caused by inflammation in your body. If you are experiencing any of these signs of brain fog, you need to look at the primary sources of inflammation.

Causes of Brain Fog:

  • Poor quality sleep
  • Chronic stress
  • Poor nutrition

Changing these chronic behaviors of working through the night, taking on too many projects, eating takeout, etc. isn’t always as easy as quitting cold turkey and magically being healed. A lot of times these behaviors are tied to so much more emotionally than we even realize.

During the process of changing these behaviors, you’ll be met with discomfort and excuses, and beliefs about yourself that you have to unlearn.

Practical Tips to Start Relieving Inflammation and Getting Into a Place of Focus & Energy:

Manage your sleep so you can get 7-9 hours per night.

Allow for more sleep OPPORTUNITY.

This means taking into account your awake times which happen often during your sleep and can be equivalent to an average of 45 minutes per night.

Find a way to track your sleep

Like a Fitbit, Apple Watch, or Oura Ring. This allows you to get a snapshot of how well you slept so that you can analyze the behaviors that you did the night before that might have affected your sleep either positively or negatively.

Have a wind-down routine

It’s important to disconnect and transition into a quiet space.

Cut down on blue light exposure at night time

Aka stay away from screens. Blue light tells your brain it’s still daytime so your body doesn’t release melatonin to tell your brain it’s time to wind down. Give yourself at least an hour before bed to be away from screens. Wear blue light blocking glasses, and download the free app Flux and set a timer so your screens will take on a red hue and the blue light is pulled out.

Find strategies to mitigate interruptions

Interruptions such as dogs or children waking you can cause some serious sleep deprivation. Some ways to do this include working with an animal trainer or taking a sleep program for kids and babies.

Manage Your Thoughts:

Instead of feeling guilty or lazy by taking time for yourself to exercise or eat better, or get more sleep – those thoughts are something you made up and you have control over. Change that mindset to something more like, “taking this time will make me a better entrepreneur or mom or wife.”

Manage Your Nutrition:

Keep a food journal

Eliminate oils that cause inflammation like canola oil or vegetable oil. This comes down to eliminating processed foods.

Get off the insulin rollercoaster. Avoid eating foods that cause massive influxes of sugars.

Click here for ALLL the ways to listen!

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