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10 Lessons I Learned From Ayahuasca

by D'Arcy Benincosa

10 Lessons I Learned From Ayahuasca with D'Arcy Benincosa on the Play It Brave Podcast

In this episode I’m diving into my experiences with Ayahuasca, what it is, and what I’ve learned from it. Please come to this episode with an open and curious mind, and not from a place of judgement. If you’re wondering what Ayahuasca is, and how it could benefit you, then let’s dive in!

What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is a psychedelic tea from South America. It is native to the Amazon Basin and is found in Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, and Colombia. The Amazonian people have used it for religious and spiritual purposes for hundreds of years.

Ayahuasca’s hallucinogenic effects are stronger than other hallucinogens. The intense psychedelic experience is led by a shaman that has dedicated their life to guiding people through the psychedelic experience.

The word “ayahuasca” comes from the Quechua language, spoken in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru. “Aya” translates to soul or ancestors, and “wasca” or “huasca” means vine or rope. The loose translation is “vine of the soul.”

What is Ayahuasca used for?

Ayahuasca can help with addiction, mindfulness, PTSD, Brain health. And your own mortality. 

Some words of caution about Ayahuasca:

Women and safety, where you’re doing it, have many women present, be referred to by someone instead of trying to find someone you do not know.

10 Lessons I Learned From Ayahuasca:

  1. It shows up for you the way life shows up for you. You will need to look at your stories and beliefs and rewire them.
  2. Each of us holds a piece of the truth. It’s important to listen to each other because no one holds all the truth. Each human holds a piece. Listen. Don’t only find people you agree with. 
  3. Everything we take into our body affects it – from alcohol to tv to media to food. Social Media, the news, etc. I needed to rewire many parts of my brain and how I see myself that has been placed there by the media and information I have consumed.
  4. Purge so you don’t carry it with you  All parts of life need purging and movement.
  5. You carry safety with you, always, you are safe, always, you can vibrate at safety, always. Only work with shamans you’ve been referred to. It’s not something you can Google. It will call to some of you and it won’t call to others. Wait for your time. Do not rush it. 
  6. It is energetic surgery – Ayahuasca has healed my womb issues. My period returned after four years of not having a period. I thought it would take months, it returned in three weeks after my first ceremony process. 
  7. It has taught me a deeper meaning for my life and the type of entrepreneur I want to be. I want my work to be a reflection of who I am, love with all of my heart, remove any barriers or stories I’ve told myself about separateness within me.
  8. My decision making is much easier because I know my sacred YES and my sacred NO. I learned the feminine arts and ways so that I am birthed into this space of DIVINE FEMININE POWER.
  9. If we were all healed we would all serve and peace would be on the planet.
  10. The biggest transformations will happen between your Ayahuasca ceremonies. This is called integration. The important thing is to take the lessons you learned and make changes in your life.

For more ways to listen to this episode – CLICK HERE!

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