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Stop Freaking Out About Instagram with Katie O. Selvidge

by D'Arcy Benincosa

Is Instagram cramping your style? Maybe you’re at a crossroads in the direction of your business? In this episode business educator and magazine editor, Katie O. Selvidge and I discuss the role that Instagram plays in our lives and businesses, as well as how to pivot when things just aren’t working the way you’d like. If you’ve ever felt conflicted and out of sync with your business and flustered by the “gram”, this is your episode!

Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t wait for your “one day” goals. What are you doing today that is going to make you feel happy and satisfied? Make sure that you’re truly living the life that you want.
  • We’ve allowed social media to block us from our real work.
  • Devote 20% of your time to absorb information, and 80% applying and taking action.
  • The first step in getting from point A to point B is leaving point A.
  • Are you stressing about the things that are worth it?
  • If you’re really honest with yourself, the worst case scenario can be moved on from.
  • When you’re being hit with challenges, your first steps to finding out whether or not you’re meant to move on is asking yourself:
    • What is enough to you? What’s your end goal?
    • Can you pivot instead of quit?
  • Don’t get caught up in what you think your identity is made up of. Think of yourself beyond your actual skillset. (i.e. You’re a photographer, but you’re really helping people focus on what’s most important). Then use that skillset to find another path.
  • Not everyone is meant to be a business owner. There is so much honor in finding joy in being the helping hand to another business owner.
  • Stop looking to the right and left. Look ahead of you to what you really want, and follow that trail.
  • Do your authentic stories on social media confuse your audience, or does it enhance their life? Does it fit in with your mission?
  • Social media is for connection & to help others. Are your posts doing that?
  • There are so many other empowering ways to market yourself besides Instagram (i.e. SEO, email funnels, etc.)
  • Selling yourself in person to strangers is a skill that gets lost and forgotten when people are too focused on captions on Instagram. We forget to actually care for other people and connect with them.
  • Focus on one thing for awhile in order to not confuse your audience.
  • “You’re going to die. What are you going to do between now and then.” – Gary Vaynerchuk



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Learn my simple tweaks you can make that will have you attracting your dream clients with the portfolio you have TODAY.

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