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Entering the Luxury Photography Market, Practice, and Pricing

by D'Arcy Benincosa

Learn the ins and outs of breaking into the luxury wedding photography market with Rebecca Yale and I. We cover the crucial role of practice and pricing strategies for success. Tune in now!

Meet Rebecca Yale:

Rebecca is a world renowned, brilliant photographer and educator based in California. She has been named one of the top photographers in the world by Harper’s Bazaar and Bride’s Magazine and included in 100’s of publications including Martha Stewart and The Knot. Rebecca’s goal is to encourage photographers to grow their business so that they can be fulfilled financially and artistically. 

4 things you need to know to break into the luxury market:

  1. Shoot anything and everything. Experience is the most valuable asset you can have. 
  2. Be analytical. After every single shoot, analyze your work. What were your favorite images? What were your least favorites? What did you learn? Take detailed notes so that you can learn and improve for your next shoot. 
  3. Be curatorial. Just because you’re shooting anything and everything doesn’t mean you have to SHOW everything. Curate your portfolio to appeal to your ideal client so you can begin attracting them. 
  4. Practice, practice, practice. Rinse and repeat. This is obvious, but the more you practice the better you will become, and the more ideal clients you will attract.

5 pricing tips that will set you apart from the competition:

  1. Consider the market and your competitors. Look at where you fit in the bigger picture. 
  2. Look at your art. Your clients are paying for your ART not your TIME. 
  3. Offer products after your shoot to increase your value.
  4. Analyze your current packages and what clients are adding on. Consider including the add-ons and raising your prices to reflect your most commonly booked package. 
  5. Price yourself so that you are NOT booking every single opportunity that comes your way, this way you will reserve yourself for your ideal clients.


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Contracts, Privacy Policies, and more. Use code DARCYB10 for 10% off!

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Learn my simple tweaks you can make that will have you attracting your dream clients with the portfolio you have TODAY.

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