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Meditation, Mindset and Magic for Entrepreneurs with Maharati Ishaya

by D'Arcy Benincosa

If you feel like you are a’okay in the mind chatter game, have a listen. Whether you are aware of it or not, we all have negative thoughts, and they’re affecting our daily lives and businesses. Maharati Ishaya joins me on this episode to talk about how you can wake up the version of yourself that you’re meant to be. So many of us get trapped in the cycle of waiting. Waiting for more money, a body we decide is the right one, a relationship that we saw in a movie one time. It’s such a prison, but they keys are right here. Right now. Hit play.

About Maharati Ishaya & The Wendy House Project:

Maharati Ishaya is a meditation and mindset coach, and owner of The Wendy House Project. She works with women who are made for more, but don’t have the confidence to go for their bigger vision. She helps them connect into their soul purpose, consciously develop their intuition, and upgrade their mindset to discover the self esteem and magic spark they crave.

Key Takeaways:

  • Recognizing how mean you’re being to yourself is one of the first steps in inner work.
  • Imagine your mind is a computer from the 90’s and you’ve never emptied the cache. Negative thoughts bog you down!
  • You’re constantly trying to earn your place, build something, and succeed, but when you’re coming from a place of “I’m not good enough,” it takes enormous amounts of energy to make any headway in life with that kind of negative programming.
  • The world we live in has “infected” all of us (especially women) with a virus of negative thinking and a standard of perfection.
  • You can be unliked without even doing anything to be unliked.
  • When our programming is off and we’re carrying a belief that there’s something wrong with us, then the destructive behaviors emerge. Whether it’s smoking, being with people who hurt us, eating cupcakes, etc.
  • It’s important not to judge your destructive patterns, but become aware of them. Then when you engage in these behaviors, you’re doing them in a place of knowing.
  • Expectation is the thief of joy. Don’t let yourself get into a mindset that if you don’t meet your expectation that you’ve failed.
  • You are not defined by your business’s success.
  • If we can frame things in our mind in a way that isn’t based on successes or failures, it’s easier to get back up on the horse.
  • Meditation is “gym” that you go to to strengthen your muscles that dictate what you focus your attention on.

Maharati’s Top Meditation Tips:

A lot of people who are DOERS think meditation isn’t for them because they always have to be productive. If you’re one of those people, check out Maharati’s top tips on meditation:

  • Meditation must be an incredibly ACTIVE practice. It’s not time to rest. It’s about heightening your awareness.
  • Turn on your analyzing portion of your brain.
  • If sitting down doesn’t work for you, then stand up. Or sit for a few minutes and then stand up and stretch.
  • Think about how you can make it easy for yourself. If you have to do it when you’re making breakfast in the morning or drinking coffee, then do that.
  • With your eyes open, practice looking out in front of you, and then gently tip your eyes up about 45 degrees. Rest your gaze on whatever you’re looking at and then relax into your peripheral vision. This unhooks the mind by getting into soft focus.

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