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How to Adapt and Thrive During A Recession

by D'Arcy Benincosa

In this episode, I discuss the book “The Fourth Turning” and how it applies to businesses. I share with you the strategies I am currently using to make sure my business stays profitable and supported during a recession.

In business, it’s not enough to just focus on the daily operations. To truly succeed and thrive, you must also pay attention to the broader context in which your business operates in a recession. This means working both in and on your business, as well as understanding the larger societal patterns that influence your journey.

“The Fourth Turning,” a thought-provoking book that outlines cyclical patterns in history, offers valuable insights into how businesses can anticipate and adapt to changing times. This book suggests that history unfolds in four distinct stages, each lasting around 20 years, which repeat every 80 years. These cycles are known as “turnings,” and they provide a framework for understanding the evolution of societies, economies, and businesses.

Let’s dive into these turnings and explore how they can guide your business strategies during a recession:

1. The High: Business Boom (1946-1964)

During this phase, the world experienced a period of economic prosperity and innovation after World War II. Businesses flourished, and new opportunities emerged. It’s important to recognize that these periods of growth are not permanent, and businesses must prepare for transitions ahead.

2. The Awakening: Cultural Transformation (1964-1984)

This phase marked a period of profound cultural shifts and social change. The rise of counterculture movements, civil rights, and technological advancements shaped this era. For businesses, it’s a reminder to stay aligned with societal values and trends, fostering innovation and embracing change.

3. The Unraveling: Crisis and Disintegration (1984-2008)

During this turning, societal structures faced challenges, including economic crises, political shifts, and technological disruption. Businesses should remain adaptable and resilient, finding ways to navigate uncertain waters while maintaining their core values.

4. The Crisis: Transformation and Renewal (2008-2028)

The current phase is characterized by major upheaval, significant challenges, and potential transformation. Businesses need to be prepared to face disruptions head-on, finding opportunities within crises and aligning their strategies with the evolving needs of their customers and society.

Here’s how to navigate the changing business landscape effectively in a recession:

1. Follow your life’s calling.

Embrace your life’s calling and leverage it to shape your business success. For instance, if you’re a photographer with a calling for creativity, explore avenues beyond photography that align with your purpose. This could lead to innovative products, services, or collaborations that set your business apart.

2. Embrace technological advancements.

As technology continues to advance, integrate AI and other emerging tools into your business model. Anticipate future trends and adopt technologies that can enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, and give you a competitive edge.

3. Seek opportunities amidst change.

Look for new growth opportunities that align with the changing times. Stay ahead of the curve by identifying emerging trends, consumer needs, and societal shifts. This proactive approach positions your business to thrive even in the midst of uncertainty.

“The Fourth Turning” reminds us that businesses don’t operate in isolation; they’re deeply intertwined with the fabric of society. As you work both in and on your business, remember to embrace change, innovation, and resilience as keys to sustained prosperity.


Read The Fourth Turning

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