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The Key to Getting What You Want (It’s Not What You Might Think)

by D'Arcy Benincosa

The Key to Getting What You Want (It’s Not What You Might Think) with Afrik Armando & D'Arcy Benincosa on The Play It Brave Podcast

Ask yourself this one question: If you could ask for one thing from the universe, what would it be? Today’s conversation with mastermind alum, Afrik Armando, is one of my favorites and we dive into all the ways to making your biggest dreams come true. We chat about what led him from a life with less than $1000 to his name to becoming a 6-figure CEO in less than a year. Spoiler alert: it’s not as hard as you think, and you can do it too! Hit play to find out how.

About Afrik Armando:

Afrik Armando is a well-respected photographer with an editorial style and a playful personality. His approach can be summarized as the boldness of Beyonce’s “Who runs the world” merging with the quirkiness of Taylor Swift’s “Shake it off”. 

Afrik Armando’s work has been featured in several high-reputed publications including the likes of; Vogue UK, New York Times, Martha Stewart Weddings, and more.

Afrik’s Group Coaching Transformation Story:

  • At the beginning of the group coaching program, Afrik was booking weddings for just $3,500. Less than a year later he’s making 5-figures per wedding and making his mark in the industry with his show-stopping work and beautiful soul.
  • After the group coaching program, Afrik doubled what he made in the entire year of 2019 in JUST 3 MONTHS.

How did he go from less than $1000 in his bank account to 6-Figure CEO in less than a year?

Below are some of his key takeaways from the group coaching program that guided his path:

  • Start with shifting your mindset and habits from one of lack to one of prosperity, gratitude, and openness.
  • Once you’ve shifted your thoughts, then put the work into your marketing strategy, solidifying your offerings, clear branding, etc.
  • By pairing a healthy mindset with intentional strategies and acts of service, money and opportunities will start to flow easily and effortlessly into your life.
  • We all have a bright light within us that will attract the right people to us, but first we need to shed off that layer of self-doubt and imposter syndrome so that our light can be seen.
  • When you reach out to be of service from a place of just being a good human (rather than a strategy behind it) then opportunity will come back to you in some form or another.
  • Afrik has a strong belief that you’re not measured by how much you have but by how much you give. This is a true depiction of what it’s like for money to not have power over you. When you have a fear-based relationship with money, you’re unable to give freely and effortlessly.

If you’re ready to transform your story to one of “starving artist” to “6-Figure Self Made CEO” then apply here for the Self Made Mastermind program that changed Afrik’s life!

Are you finding yourself in a negative relationship with money? Try this!

$50 Tip Challenge:

When you go out for coffee or a small treat, leave a $50 tip. Even if you feel stuck when it comes to money. This is so freeing financially and puts out into the universe that money does not hold power over you.

For more ways to listen to this episode – CLICK HERE!

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A few of my favorite business tools:


Contracts, Privacy Policies, and more. Use code DARCYB10 for 10% off!

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Struggle to match your digital to your film? You've met your match. Use code PLAYITBRAVE to get $50 off!


Say au revoir to lazy galleries! Use code DARCY to get your first month free.

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Crappy website? Say no more. Get 20% off a template with code PLAYITBRAVE. You're welcome.

Have no time to submit to publications?

Don’t let your images gather dust on a hard drive – GET THEM SEEN (and gain street cred too).

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Learn my simple tweaks you can make that will have you attracting your dream clients with the portfolio you have TODAY.

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