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22 Lessons I Learned in 2022 – Part 2

by D'Arcy Benincosa

22 Lessons I Learned in 2022 - part 2

As the year comes to a close, I reflect on all that I have grown from and learned about, and I take you with me! In this episode, I go through the final 10 lessons I learned in 2022. I dive deep into my journey of finding alignment, self doubt, and asking for help. Hit play!

22 Lessons in 2022 – Part 2:

13. The bigger the business grows, the more you’ll receive on both ends (adoration and hate).

Meet this with neutrality. See what is working. See what isn’t working. Instead of getting mad at a nasty comment–maybe rewrite the copy. The story of the comment about “if I was your client I would be offended”. People ARE NOT going to give you the benefit of the doubt, even if they have known you. The more public of a figure you are (and I’m still pretty small potatoes compared to most) the more people will turn on you without ANY BENEFIT of the DOUBT. People are LOOKING to be offended. People are LOOKING for you to make mistakes and then point those mistakes out hoping it helps them look like a better person for it. The witch hunts are real. They will happen. 

14. When in doubt, take the next small step.

Today is the most important day (you can always get through it). Stop putting your energy into things that don’t matter. You may have lost all your money. You may have a relationship that just fell apart. You may have just got diagnosed with something horrible. You may not know 

15. Make sure you create epic PLAY lists.

If you didn’t have a happy childhood–there is still a chance to give yourself one. One of my best memories this year was a day of adventure with my best friend Nathan. Another was smoking cigarettes and drinking horrible wine on top of our cruise boat with a group of new friends. PLAY!!! I Want to pop over to Vienna and see an opera–D’Arcy, I am that friend! There she was, right in front of me. 

16. Where are you the bottleneck?

Hire more people. Find a way. If your business isn’t growing, it’s because of YOUR mindset.

17. Alignment is the MOST important thing.

Complaining is not alignment. Comparing is not alignment. Doing things with a mindset of “should” is not alignment. Fear is not alignment. Knowing what to do and NOT DOING IT is NOT alignment. Not getting help you need, like therapy or coaching is NOT alignment. Blame is not alignment. 

18. Take Responsibility and Own the Consequences for your actions.

Get out of victimization. Take full responsibility for the consequences you have created, even though they were created because you were wounded and didn’t know better. This is the graduation into adulthood–and most of us are operating from a wounded child mentality most of the time, we are reactive, we live in disappointment, we think things work for other people and not for us–those are the old stories and they are the stories you MUST rewrite to be a healthy, high functioning adult. 

19. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Help. New employee. Knowing what to ask. Chanel Bag. Dating App. France Date.

20. No one is coming to save you and you can’t save others.

Your healed presence is the gift. Your unhealed presence is the gift. YOU are the gift. Life your life as divine as you are. 

21. See yourself. See Others. Dress Up, Show Up

22. The best is yet to come…Love is all there is. 


Missed part 1? Listen to it here!

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