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The Biggest Mistakes and Biggest Wins From 2023

by D'Arcy Benincosa

In this episode, D’Arcy discusses her highlights and mistakes of 2023 including health challenges, business moves, relationships and spirituality. Hit play to dive into this wonderful year end recap with D’Arcy. 

As  2023 comes to a close, it’s time for a deeply personal reflection on a year that brought unexpected twists and turns—health challenges, love found in unlikely places, heart-wrenching losses, and moments of unbridled joy. Join me in unpacking some of the most intimate stories I’ve shared all year, including a vivid account of a not-so-great mushroom trip in Amsterdam. Through the highs and lows, this year has been a tapestry woven with threads of self-discovery, resilience, and unexpected treasures.

In the wise words of Joseph Campbell, “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek.” 2023 has been a testament to the profound truth of these words. Often, the very thing we fear holds the key to our growth and fulfillment. This year, I’ve learned that the universe guides us toward our greatest calling through subtle nudges, and our highest self points the way in small decisions every day.

Listening to the soul:

Ignoring these intuitive nudges leads to blocks and stagnation, while succumbing to fear lowers our vibration, enveloping us in confusion. I challenge the notion of confusion, believing that deep down, everyone knows their calling. The confusion arises from repeatedly talking oneself out of it. If you’re feeling uncertain about the path ahead in 2024, sit with yourself, listen to your soul, heartbeat, and the whispers of wisdom.

Moving from confusion to clarity:

Rather than getting bogged down in details, focus on the big picture. Allow yourself to understand the path you want to take and why. In this clarity, teachers, mentors, knowledge, and skills will reveal themselves. 

Highlights and mistakes of 2023:

  • My 46 day birthday challenge!
  • A five-month battle with a medication that ended up doing more harm than good. 
  • Unexpected relationships, navigating self-esteem wounds and finding meaningful connections.
  • Professional and financial growth, shifting my working patterns and hours to accommodate my needs in 2023. Plus, taking charge of my personal finances and investing knowledge.
  • Tons of healing, from the Hoffman Process to a transformative week in Costa Rica exploring psychedelics. Teaching in Tulum and sailing around the Greek islands.
  • Exploring the Cotswolds, hiking in the Scottish Highlands, and a transformative therapy that rewired patterns and fostered compassion.
  • Taking two months off to focus on health, acknowledging the need for help, and the resilience found in the face of challenges.
  • The culmination of consciously building deep relationships. And bein surrounded by friends who see, love, and motivate me. 

Happiest of 2023! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Joyous Noel. Wishing you the very best of all the good things.


Read “How I Failed My Daughter and a Simple Path to Wealth”

Read “Your Money or Your Life”

Read “The Soul of Money”

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