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6 Strategies to Use the Algorithm to Your Advantage & Grow Your Instagram 

by D'Arcy Benincosa

6 Strategies to Use the Algorithm to Your Advantage & Grow Your Instagram with Amber Courtney and D'Arcy Benincosa on the Play It Brave Podcast

Instagram getting you down? In this strategy-packed episode, I chat with my Self Made Alum, Amber Courtney about the tactics she used to boost her Instagram following by 10k in less than 6 months – resulting in a $40k course pre-launch. Come away from this episode with a different perspective and a handful of great strategies you may be overlooking.

About Amber Courtney:

Amber Courtney, owner of Light Livin Photography, is a Bay area-based portrait photographer and photography educator. Amber enrolled in my Self Made Mastermind in the Spring of 2021, and since then has branched out into education, had a $40,000 pre-launch of her course, grown her Instagram following by 10,000, and has truly become the CEO of her life and business. Dive into her Instagram strategies below and tune in for even more insight!

6 Instagram Strategies You May Be Overlooking:

Amber likes to use the analogy that Instagram is like a Mario Cart game, and using each of these strategies (and the ones found in her guide linked below) is like collecting gold coins to boost your stash – aka your algorithm standing. Let’s dive in so you can 10x your Instagram too!

1. Utilize Carousels: When you have more than one image, you’re increasing your chances that someone will resonate with at least one of those images and engage with the post. More engagement means Instagram will put it in front of more people. (Pro tip: your first image in the carousel should be of people)

2. Interact with your Followers: Comment back to each person who comments on your post (especially within the first 20 minutes) will increase the amount of engagement & who Instagram shows your post to.

3. Be Authentic with Reels: Don’t just do something because it’s trending. Do what works for you!

4. Less is More: Only post QUALITY content that serves and aligns with your brand. Instead of posting mediocre content with little engagement once a day, post high-quality content with high engagement once or twice a week and Instagram will keep your content in circulation because they see your content as more valuable.

5. Show up on Pinterest: Schedule pins with Tailwind and feed people back to your website and Instagram. Having a few blogs with your frequently asked questions to link to is key to showing up as an expert and getting people to follow along. (Get Pin Like a Ninja for more Pinterest strategies!)

6. Hashtags are not dead: Instagram needs a way to categorize your content and get an idea of who your target audience is. So think of hashtags as a little note to the IG algorithm and include a combination of general, geographical, blog specific and trendy. Put the max of 30 hashtags in the caption, not the comments. Be careful not to use an irrelevant hash tag as it can flag your post.

Click here for more ways to listen to this episode

Self Made Mastermind 

Get Amber’s full Instagram Strategy Guide

Follow Amber on Instagram 

Visit the Light Livin Photography website

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Steal These Instagram Ideas From a Psychology Expert

Stop Freaking Out About Instagram with Katie O. Selvidge

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