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This MINI-COURSE equips you with the strategies to curate a standout portfolio that captures attention and drives bookings with the work you have NOW. – Get 3 days of free access to this $97 mini-course!

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Behind the Scenes of Getting a Book Published

by D'Arcy Benincosa

Do you dream of publishing a book? There’s more to it than you’d think. Today on Play It Brave, I’m interviewing health coach, blogger, online business mentor, and published author, Elizabeth Rider. On this episode, she gives a behind the scenes look into becoming a published author, enlightens us with what photographers should know about working with someone like her, and shares a few healthy habits all entrepreneurs should partake in. This is a must-listen for any entrepreneur out there, even if you don’t dream of becoming an author!

Key Takeaways:

  • Life is an equal dance between making things happen and letting things happen.
  • Don’t be discouraged along the journey of reaching your big dreams. Bask in the growth and consistency along the way.
  • To get a book deal, publishers need to see that you’re consistently creating good content.
  • Full color books double the scope of the project.
  • You have to decide how involved you’d like to be in the process of creating the book design.
  • Books are one of the few things in business that once they’re done, they’re done.
  • How to sell a book: Create a book that’s fantastic, then create a reason for them to purchase it. (i.e. urgency)
  • Marketing is serving your client/customer by putting out into the world what they may need/want.
  • Health Tip: All stress is internally created. Even though we feel stress is coming from external sources, it’s really derived from the expectations we put on ourselves. Get it onto paper to let go of it. This is a wellness habit you should have.
  • Health is what you put into your body and your mind.
  • Healthy Journal Prompts: Do I have control over this? What do I have control over? What do I know is true?



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A few of my favorite business tools:


Contracts, Privacy Policies, and more. Use code DARCYB10 for 10% off!

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Struggle to match your digital to your film? You've met your match. Use code PLAYITBRAVE to get $50 off!


Say au revoir to lazy galleries! Use code DARCY to get your first month free.

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Crappy website? Say no more. Get 20% off a template with code PLAYITBRAVE. You're welcome.

Learn my simple tweaks you can make that will have you attracting your dream clients with the portfolio you have TODAY.

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Have no time to submit
to publications?

Don’t let your images gather dust on a hard drive – GET THEM SEEN (and gain street cred too).

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Not booking $10k+ weddings?



It Brave


A few of my favorite business tools:


Contracts, Privacy Policies, and more. Use code DARCYB10 for 10% off!

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Struggle to match your digital to your film? You've met your match. Use code PLAYITBRAVE to get $50 off!


Say au revoir to lazy galleries! Use code DARCY to get your first month free.

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Crappy website? Say no more. Get 20% off a template with code PLAYITBRAVE. You're welcome.

Have no time to submit to publications?

Don’t let your images gather dust on a hard drive – GET THEM SEEN (and gain street cred too).

free guide

Learn my simple tweaks you can make that will have you attracting your dream clients with the portfolio you have TODAY.

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