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Are You Making These Website Mistakes? 

by D'Arcy Benincosa

5 Things Most Websites Are Missing

website mistakes

As a business coach for several years now, I see the same website mistakes happening again and again. So today, I thought I would share with you what these are and how you can avoid them. 

Websites are the foundation of any online business. Every marketing move you make—from social media, email newsletters, even business cards—directs people back to your website.

Your website MUST be excellent. It must be captivating, clear, and user friendly. 

Too many people are so fixated with Instagram that they aren’t focused on how their website is performing. And the truth is, before handing over a lot of money to you, clients will be heading to your website. 

By fixing these mistakes, you can take your website from “meh” to marvelous. 

5 Big Website Mistakes

1 – Your about page is about you

Yep, you read that right. 

One of the biggest website mistakes that I see is that your “About Page” is all about you and not about your client. About Pages are really about your target client, not about you.

When I am working with coaching clients, what I normally see on the About Page are things that they think are cool about themselves, with no consideration of their target audience. 

I’m honestly not sure that I care if you like dogs or think ice cream is the best ever. It’s more about your audience’s perception of who you can be for them and how you can fit their need. 

How can you connect with that client in a way that shows you are the best person for them to hire? What makes you a perfect fit for them?

One option is to have a video in your about section that shows your audience your lifestyle and gives them a sense of who you are. As we all know, video is king these days and having a professionally created video that gives a sense of who you are is a great way to make an impression

2 – There is no clear call to action

You must have a clear call to action on your website and you must have it more than once. 

Often, when I look at a website, I see one little link that says “Contact” and on it an option to email to get in touch. This isn’t enough.

For example, on my coaching website, I have multiple calls to action such as “Apply Now” and “Book a Discovery Call” and I have them throughout the site. 

I find that having more ways to get in contact and having it in more than one location makes people more likely to act and reach out. 

No one wants to search for the search for how to contact you. It should be clear and the action you are asking them to take should be obvious (ie: book a call, get pricing, etc). 

3 – You aren’t blogging.

I hate to break it to you—blogging is not dead. Content is still king.

You want to be blogging more than you are blogging. 

More and more I see neglected, or non-existent, blogs and, if this is you, you are missing out on a great opportunity. 

Content is how you serve. Content is how you show your audience you are active in your industry. And content is how you incorporate SEO keywords to help bring followers to your page. 

One key piece of advice—when you blog, link back to previous blogs that you have written. This keeps people on your site and engaged. You want people staying on your site for as long as possible. It shows Google that your content is helpful and relevant.

Try to blog at least once a week, if not multiple times a week. 

If this seems overwhelming to you, find a copywriter to bring onto your team. They can be invaluable to freeing up your time and helping to grow a business.

4 – Your navigation menu is confusing

You want to have a clear navigation menu and you don’t want too many options. 

I have seen a “Portfolio” menu item with 7 sub-menus. This is too many. Keep it simple. Clarity, consistency, and minimalism is way more effective. 

My recommendation is to have no more than 5 menu options at the top and no more than 3 subtopics underneath each menu item. This makes it concise and easily navigatable. 

And you don’t want to use font that is small or that is too hard to read (ie: ornate, cursive fonts).  Minimalism is great but not at the sacrifice of clarity. 

5 – You aren’t using the latest technology.

This means understanding how to use the latest innovactions in getting people to your website and interacting on it. 

This includes having up-to-date SEO strategies, keyword optimization, linking Facebook comments to your blog, and really understanding how to check your analytics. Analytics in particular are so often ignored but if you take the time to dive into these you can really get a feel for what is working and what is not on your site. 

website mistakes

Next Steps

Now that you have the information, what is next? 

Slowly start working through your website and address the issues above. It doesn’t have to be fixed overnight. Slow progress is better than no progress. 

And also, remember, that once you have your website in optimal health, make sure that you check how your website looks on mobile devices. It isn’t a secret that most people will be viewing your website on their cell phones so it is more important than ever for your website to be optimzed for every device.

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Contracts, Privacy Policies, and more. Use code DARCYB10 for 10% off!

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