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I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts: 3 Things I’ve Learned Living In a Haunted House

by D'Arcy Benincosa

I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts: 3 Things I've Learned From Living In a Haunted House with D'Arcy Benincosa on The Play It Brave Podcast

It’s officially spooky season on the Play It Brave podcast. 

As long as you’re game to discuss all things daunting and dreadful, what candy will you steal from your kids next weekend? And tell me you’re not the house in the neighborhood that hands out walnuts or toothbrushes. Spine chilling. 

If you’re going to shut off your porch light, close the curtains, and pretend no one’s home this Hallows’ Eve, I’ve got a ghost story for you to enjoy by candlelight (or the glow of your iPhone on Night Shift). 

Call me crazy, but when I got the keys to my 100 year old home two years ago, I had barely crossed the threshold when I felt that something wasn’t right. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I was rooming with some unsettled spirits who weren’t ready to part with my 1930s Tudor style home. Trust your intuition when it comes to stuff like this (and the professional medium you hired to shake salt on your front porch).

In this episode of the Play It Brave podcast, I’m telling ghost stories and sharing what I’ve learned from living in a haunted house. The energy of your home can affect other areas of your life, so hit play if you’re even a *little* bit curious who I’ve been living with for the past two years, sans seances. Above all, I want you to know what I’ve done to infuse love, joy, and peace back into my home (which is always valuable whether you have paranormal pals or not, don’t you think?).

Do you believe in ghosts?

Before we begin, it’s important for you to understand what it takes to be able to sense the presence of an energy or ghost… Believe it or not, it doesn’t take a specific type of person. You are more capable than you think. 

When it comes to energy work and psychic abilities, it’s not as if some people have it and some people do not. It’s about whether or not you have turned that on or off in your brain and body. You have to make a conscious choice to welcome those feelings, so that you can become more in touch with your intuition.

You might think I’m crazy, but let me tell you this: No matter how intelligent you are and how much science and research you base your decisions on, your intuition will always be the best guide. When I allowed myself to tap into that side of myself, I found even greater success in my life and business, and I found a way to heal my home.

My Ghost Encounters:

Since living in this 100 year old home, I have experienced unexplained door slamming, sinks filling up with water on their own, my bed shaking, and hearing various noises like muffled voices, swishes of air, creaks, and even the sounds of someone running up my staircase (talk about scary…)

While all of these things are frightening, I chose not to live in constant fear. I chose to tap into my intuition and with guidance from my energetically talented friends, we have been able to release multiple spirits from my home. 

3 Lessons I learned from living in a haunted house:

Throughout the whole process I have learned three main things that I want to share with those of you who may be experiencing ghosts, or even just negative energy within your home:

  1. Do not resist the ghosts. One thing that I know is, whatever you’re resisting in your life resists. The more fear I was feeling, the more the ghosts were thriving on that fear. I had to step into my bravery and strength.
  2. You are capable to tap into levels of spiritual levels of energetic power that you aren’t even aware of. 
  3. Be intentional about infusing love, joy, and light into your home.

If your house is haunted, or you sense negative energy within your home, stay tuned for an episode coming up on how to clear the energy of your home.

Check it out!

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