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Why Your Photography Business Needs A Photo Editor

by D'Arcy Benincosa

In this episode, Martina and D’Arcy are discussing how hiring a photo editor works and how it can transform your business. Photo editors can help you elevate your brand, create a cohesive portfolio, and help you book the high value clients you’ve been dreaming of. Hit play!

Meet Martina:

Martina is a skilled artist and hybrid photo editor who specializes in helping photographers achieve their desired editing style. With meticulous attention to detail, Martina alleviates the stress and time-consuming process of editing. She has an impressive ability to seamlessly match digital images to film scans, resulting in a consistent and cohesive style. Martina’s clients are able to fully immerse themselves in their craft, reliably expressing their satisfaction through glowing 5-star reviews. Beyond her exceptional editing skills, Martina is also an avid film photographer.

One element that significantly contributes to your visual narrative as a photographer is the skillful hand of a photo editor. They possess the art of refining your work, giving it that unique signature style, and ensuring each gallery sings in perfect harmony. But how do you find the right photo editor who understands your vision? Let’s explore the steps to selecting a photo editor who can take your work to the next level.

Start Here: Finding the perfect editor

You can explore through websites that specialize in photo editing, or you can take to search engines and social media platforms. Look up keywords like “photo editor,” “film matching,” or “film emulating” on Instagram or Google. This initial online sweep will help you discover editors’ websites and gauge their work.

You can also engage in meaningful conversations with fellow photographers on platforms like Facebook groups, Instagram, or even in person. Share your experiences and gather recommendations; it’s highly likely someone will have a referral for you.

Or, if you’re a fan of presets, find a group of editors that specialize in the same preset style you love. This common ground ensures that your editing preferences align, which can significantly enhance the consistency of your work.

Why working with a professional matters

Working with different editors can often lead to inconsistency, making it difficult to establish a cohesive visual identity across your galleries. This is where a professional editor steps in. Their dedication to understanding your style and preferences ensures that your images stay in harmony. From gallery to gallery, and even from film to matching digital, a professional editor makes sure your visual story remains cohesive and compelling.

Establishing editing parameters with your editor

Do you already have a well-established style, or are you looking for guidance? In either case, it’s essential to set clear editing parameters. These could include visual references or specific feedback to guide your editor. This ensures that your editing aligns with your unique vision.

Three mistakes to avoid

Getting the perfect look isn’t just about post-processing; it starts from the moment you click the shutter. There are three critical mistakes photographers often make in-camera, hindering their ability to achieve the desired effect.

1. Overexposing on Digital Cameras

To match your film’s look, you often need to underexpose your digital shots. This technique retains essential details in the shadows and highlights, a vital characteristic of film aesthetics. Trust your RAW files if you’re working with an editor.

2. In-Camera Color Grading

Pay close attention to how you use in-camera color grading. Subjects placed under trees can cast tricky green shadows on their faces, making editing a challenge. When shooting during golden hour, ensure your subjects are backlit, reducing direct sunlight into the lens.

3. Editing Conditions

Sometimes, the effectiveness of your editing hinges on your workspace. Be mindful of your computer’s placement – avoid a bright window behind you to reduce eye strain. A larger screen and a mouse can significantly improve your editing experience.


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