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What You Release Is as Important as What You Resolve

by D'Arcy Benincosa

Today is THE day. That new year, new you, new goals, new cleaned out fridge–along with all the anticipation of what we can accomplish and be and have. The last four years, as the new year approaches, instead of focusing solely on what I can bring into my life, I also look deeply at what needs to be released in my life. Sometimes we can make excuses for the way things are–

Our Love Life: I just need to work harder to bring the passion back or have more realistic expectations of what I can have from a romantic partnership. I just am not trying hard enough.

Our Bodies: I just need to not work so much, or I need to do paleo, or I should do Whole 30, or why am I so addicted to sugar, I’ll never change, my body is always going to be in this state.

Our Careers: I just need to work harder, put in more hours, have more goals, lower my prices, maybe get a day job.

Our Living Situations: I just need to buy the cheap stuff, one day I’ll have nice things, but not today. It doesn’t matter if my home or apartment doesn’t get enough light or is a space that brings me joy, it’s all I can afford right now and so it’s going to have to do.

Our Experiences: I want to finally go to Europe, but who am I kidding? I could never afford it, I can’t travel like I want, I have kids and responsibilities and bills and I don’t want to do it alone.

Have you had any of these thoughts in the past 48 hours? What we need more than buying new things is to release the old things that no longer serve us. This makes way for the new to come in easier and faster. Do you remember that scene in “Love Actually”? The guy from the Walking Dead goes to Kiera Knightly’s doorstep and tells her all the ways and depths that he loves her. There is really nothing that can be done at this point in his longing, suffering, and pain from never being able to have what he wants. He’s focused on her so much, he’s closed himself off from the millions of other women who could be even better for him than Kiera ever could be. I love the moment when he walks away after declaring his love, and you know he’s finally had enough, he’s finally ready to move on. He says in my FAVORITE line of the entire movie, “Enough. Enough now.”

Last year, as I looked at my life for those few moments as we counted down the seconds to the New Year, I had a glimpse of one thing I had been holding onto for WAY too long. Something I excused and allowed to go on for over five years, even though it wasn’t in my highest good. It finally came to the point where I felt with every cell in my body that I had to let this go. That holding on to this would hold me back in ways that I haven’t even realized yet. It is in that moment that I stood up and said, “Enough! Enough now!” and mean it. The difference in my life this year has been so astronomical, it is hard to even explain the changes and gifts and goodness that has come into my life to take the place of the thing that I released.

What about you? Are you feeling the call to release an old career, a relationship, limiting beliefs? If so, I would love to help. Stay tuned these upcoming weeks as I share some of the success stories from many of my coaching clients and give more details about attending a workshop in 2017 with me.

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