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How To Become A Product Photographer

by D'Arcy Benincosa

In this episode, D’Arcy and Whitney discuss how to get started as a product photographer, how to pitch to brands, and how to make more money as a product photographer. They touch on money mindset, what camera settings and editing tools Whitney uses, and how to land and keep valuable clients. Hit play!

Meet Whitney Finuf:

Whitney Finuf specializes in stylish imagery for beauty and wellness brands. With a passion for light, color, and creative concepts, she discovered her love for product photography during art school in 2015. Her work effortlessly aligns with youthful, stylish, and creative brands. Outside of her craft, she enjoys traveling, tending to her flourishing plant collection, and cherishing moments with her family and adorable Shih Tzu.

As a product photographer, you have the power to showcase a brand’s offerings in the best light and capture their essence through captivating visuals, increase your income as a photographer, and create more passive income.

1. How to Pitch to Brands as a Product Photographer:

Begin by visiting your favorite stores (like Target or Nordstrom) and identifying products that align with your photography style. Once you’ve found potential matches, find them on Instagram and reach out via email. Attach a portfolio of images that resonate with their aesthetic and express your interest in collaborating. Consider offering to shoot for free initially if it’s a brand you really want to work with, emphasizing the opportunity to use the images for their social media platforms to foster a strong relationship.

2. Create Longevity as a Product Photographer:

Product photography is a field that provides consistent work over time. Brands often require new images quarterly, annually, or every few years to keep their catalogs and promotional materials up to date. With this regular demand, product photographers can establish long-term relationships and ensure a steady stream of projects.

3. Increasing Your Earnings as a Product Photographer:

To maximize your income, learn from experienced photographers and invest in props, models, and other resources that enhance the quality and appeal of your images. Creating a healthy money mindset will also help you set rates that align with the quality of work you deliver. Cultivating an abundant mindset can help attract greater financial success.

4. Exploring Stock Photography:

Expand your portfolio and revenue streams by venturing into stock photography. When entering the stock photography market, remember not to submit client work. Instead, focus on creating images through styled shoots and even incorporating your travel photos. This diversification allows you to cater to different audiences and monetize your artistry in new ways.

5. Benefits of Product Photography:

Aside from the creative fulfillment, product photography offers several practical advantages. Unlike many other photography niches, it often allows you to work regular business hours, freeing up your weekends for personal time. Moreover, product photography enables you to develop and showcase your unique style, setting you apart from the competition. With countless brands seeking high-quality visuals, there is ample work available for everyone in this ever-growing industry.

As a product photographer, you possess the ability to capture the essence of brands and their offerings, creating visuals that captivate audiences. By mastering the art of pitching to brands, seizing the opportunities for growth, transitioning to stock photography when appropriate, and embracing the numerous benefits this field offers, you can carve a successful and fulfilling career as a product photographer. Get ready to take your passion and talent to new heights, making your mark in the world of visual storytelling.


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