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Marketing Strategies to Attract Luxury Wedding Clients

by D'Arcy Benincosa

In this episode, I am discussing six marketing strategies I use to attract luxury wedding clients each year. Hit play!

Over 40% of all engagements happen between Thanksgiving and Valentine’s day, are your marketing strategies in motion to attract your dream luxury wedding clients?

Use these 6 marketing strategies to attract your dream luxury wedding clients this year:

1. Nurture Vendor Relationships.

When it comes to attracting luxury wedding clients, building strong relationships with fellow vendors is paramount. Begin by engaging with them on social media platforms and showcasing your work in your portfolio and publications. Remember, the key is to attract them rather than chasing after them. A robust portfolio that resonates with your ideal luxury clientele is your greatest asset.

2. Curate your portfolio.

Your portfolio is a reflection of your expertise, so curate it with care. Every image you display should exude the essence of luxury weddings. Real couples provide the canvas for you to master the art of posing and capturing genuine moments. While styled shoots can be a valuable addition, don’t rely solely on them. Consider seeking a portfolio review to ensure every image on your website is a testament to your best work. Arrange images thoughtfully, grouping complementary shots together to tell a compelling visual story.

3. Lean in to Creativity.

Luxury is not solely defined by the budget but by the experience. Use your creative prowess to elevate any wedding to a luxury level. Collaborate with couples on mood boards that align with their vision and your style. Highlight the genuine human connections that unfold during the day. Share images that showcase your ability to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.

While weddings may embrace certain trends, focus on capturing and highlighting classic elements that stand the test of time. Timeless elegance never goes out of style and is a hallmark of luxury. This approach ensures your work remains relevant and appealing to discerning clients.

5. Choose Your Best Shots.

Quality over quantity reigns supreme. Carefully curate your portfolio by choosing only the top images that exemplify your talent and style. Aim for a selection that captivates and leaves a lasting impression on potential clients.

6. Master the Art of Storytelling.

To resonate with luxury wedding clients, you must be a skilled storyteller. Draw inspiration from cinematic masterpieces and artistic endeavors in other industries. Learn how to weave narratives that evoke emotions, create connections, and unfold like a captivating movie.


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Learn my simple tweaks you can make that will have you attracting your dream clients with the portfolio you have TODAY.

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Don’t let your images gather dust on a hard drive – GET THEM SEEN (and gain street cred too).

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A few of my favorite business tools:


Contracts, Privacy Policies, and more. Use code DARCYB10 for 10% off!

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Struggle to match your digital to your film? You've met your match. Use code PLAYITBRAVE to get $50 off!


Say au revoir to lazy galleries! Use code DARCY to get your first month free.

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Crappy website? Say no more. Get 20% off a template with code PLAYITBRAVE. You're welcome.

Have no time to submit to publications?

Don’t let your images gather dust on a hard drive – GET THEM SEEN (and gain street cred too).

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Learn my simple tweaks you can make that will have you attracting your dream clients with the portfolio you have TODAY.

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