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Powerful Wealth Habits

by D'Arcy Benincosa

Powerful Wealth Habits with Candy Valentino and D'Arcy Benincosa on the Play It Brave Podcast

Many people know how to get rich, but few truly know the road to building long term wealth. Learn from Candy Valentino, a serial entrepreneur and wealth building genius, as we discuss her new book WEALTH HABITS: Six Ordinary Steps to Achieve Extraordinary Financial Freedom. 

About Candy Valentino:

During her two-and-a-half decades as an entrepreneur, Valentino has been named to Top Business Leaders 40 Under 40, Top 50 Women In Business, 10 People Making a Difference, Top 10 Business Consultants by Yahoo Finance, and was the youngest female to receive the Governor’s Award in Entrepreneurship in Pennsylvania. Success Magazine named her “Women of Influence” and “Leaders Who Get Results” alongside Tony Robbins and Brené Brown. She shares her gritty, real-world business and investing strategies with an audience of millions through her Founders Organization. Candy Valentino lives in Scottsdale, AZ.

Everyone knows being an entrepreneur is scary, at least at first. When you take the leap and go all in on your business, you don’t have the luxury of a pension or employer matched 401K to fall back on when you want to stop working. But, you don’t need to be afraid as long as you have a plan and the tools to get you to financial freedom. 

5 Powerful Wealth Habits:

1. Don’t be afraid to get into the weeds. 

It might be messy, it will probably be scary. But if you don’t take the risk, you’ll never know what is on the other side of fear. 

2. Choose a hobby that feeds you. 

Hobbies will take things from you. Your time, money, resources, so it is important to choose a hobby that gives you a return so that you aren’t pouring from an empty cup (or wallet)!

3. Don’t get caught up when times get tough. 

Challenges will arise, all that matters is how you deal with them. The more challenges you experience, the more you learn and grow. And the easier it becomes to deal with challenges down the road. 

4. Create, don’t consume. 

Always have limits on what you are consuming, especially on social media. If you are constantly consuming, you won’t have time to create the life you really want to live. 

5. Approach each day with gratitude. 

Before you get out of bed, list 5 things you are grateful for. Make it a habit to appreciate what you have and what got you there so that you can call in more opportunities, and build your dream life. 

Building wealth is not easy, but it is simple. Your money needs to work for you. One of the most important things about building wealth is letting go of limiting beliefs and getting to work. You’ll never build wealth by sitting on the couch doing nothing, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a fight. Allowing money to flow in and out of your business will lead to more money, and more wealth, long term.

Click here for more ways to listen to this episode

WEALTH HABITS: Six Ordinary Steps to Achieve Extraordinary Financial Freedom

Publication Date: November 15, 2022

Publisher: Wiley

Order Candy Valentino’s Book Here

Follow Candy Valentino on Instagram

Visit Candy Valentino’s Website

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