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Are You Ready to Be A Coach?

by D'Arcy Benincosa

Wondering if it’s time for you to add coaching or mentorship to your business? The truth is, some people jump into the education space too early… which led to today’s episode where I outline the 10 benchmarks you should meet before becoming a coach or mentor. Hit play!

Mindsets You Need to Move Out Of:

  1. There isn’t room for me (scarcity)
  2. Everyone is becoming a coach! (judgement)

10 Benchmarks to Meet Before You Become a Coach or Mentor:

  1. You have been through big transformations yourself, and you believe in the transformation of others.
  2. You are ready to step into your Leadership self and you are prepared to trigger people and be blamed for their failures.
  3. You are always a student first. You can bring a new skill to the table on a regular basis.
  4. You do the things that you’re telling your clients or students to do.
  5. You are genuinely invested in other people’s success and you have healthy boundaries.
  6. You have learned to stand in your power, harness your own energy, and you have gotten rid of your victim mindset. Staying positive on coaching calls, and having the skills to bring people out of victimhood is where transformation lies.
  7. You’re able to intuitively come up with solutions, but then also able to teach them to create their own solutions too.
  8. You know your own value and you’re willing to charge for it.
  9. You won’t be perfect, you won’t be for everyone, and you won’t make everyone successful. Coaching is a co-creation with your client.
  10. You WANT to coach. You love teaching and solving other people’s problems.

Click here for more ways to listen to this episode!

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Don’t let your images gather dust on a hard drive – GET THEM SEEN (and gain street cred too).

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Learn my simple tweaks you can make that will have you attracting your dream clients with the portfolio you have TODAY.

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