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Sales Calls 101: How to Communicate your Value to Clients and Book High-End Packages

by D'Arcy Benincosa

Sales Calls 101: How to Communicate your Value to Clients and Book High-End Packages with Ben Hartley & D'Arcy Benincosa on The Play It Brave Podcast

Are you unsure of what to say on an initial call with a potential client? Maybe you’re afraid to even get on the phone with them… In this episode, Ben Hartley and I discuss the importance in communicating your value, and how to do that in a natural way that doesn’t feel sales-y so that you can book more high-end packages. Sound too good to be true? Tune in to hear an example of what a bad and a good sales call should sound like. This is a must-listen!

About Ben:

Ben Hartley is an award winning wedding photographer, podcast producer and photography educator. He is known for teaching other photographers how to market and grow their businesses through his coaching, courses, workshops, and podcast called The Six Figure Photography Podcast.

Value Based Pricing:

  • Write out what kind of experience you want to give.
  • Being a master at your craft is of huge value and should be reflected in your pricing. You need to calculate the value of that mastery. Devoting 10,000 hours to your craft is equivalent to becoming a master at it. Don’t confuse perfectionism with mastery.
  • You have to think about the value to your customer too. If you work with other businesses, then what could your service/product bring to them? Does it make them more money?

How to book clients who will see the value of what you’re offering:

How do you get someone to say yes to $10,000 instead of $3,000 package?

  • Find a way to communicate to your leads that you’re worth it.
  • Think about how you can create enough perceived value to your client that it’s worth MORE than $10,000 to them.
  • Remember: It’s just as easy to book $3k as it is to book $10k – it’s just about how you position yourself and what you offer.

Sales Call Strategies that Bring In Bookings:

  • Tune in to hear what a call with your potential clients should sound like when you’re explaining why you’re worth what you charge.
  • Rather than selling yourself, you need to ask really intentional questions that allow the clients to see themselves as worth the investment.
    • Ask questions that are open-ended. “Tell me about you two…”
    • Ask depth instead of width questions
      • Width: gathering facts for yourself
      • Depth: whatever they want to talk about, you go deeper into that. “Tell me more” “what does that mean?”
    • Ask the inception question: “It’s 2021, every camera is awesome, you probably have a family member who has a nice camera. Why are you looking to hire me to take your wedding photos?”
      • They will tell you the reason why they would pay $10k for your services.
      • has to be one of the last questions you ask, and it can’t be over email.

“If I say it, I’m selling. If they say it, I’m closing.”

Ben Hartley

For more ways to listen to this episode – CLICK HERE!

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