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The Algorithm is Not Your Enemy

by D'Arcy Benincosa

In this episode, Jaiden and I dive into the 4 social media strategies that are generating massive growth right now. We talk about all things social media and the algorithm. You don’t want to miss this, hit play!

Meet Jaiden Robinson:

After spending 6 years in corporate America as a marketer, Jaiden decided it was time to stop resisting the feminine urge to create. She wanted to do more of what she loved and less of what she didn’t, so she took the leap to entrepreneurship. Jaiden is passionate about being a creative and helping others, these things combined have lead her to becoming a successful social media manager. 

There is a lot of noise and people telling you what you should/shouldn’t be doing on social media. What we know for sure, is that consistent and proven growth strategies are the best way to grow your business on social media. Stop letting the noise get to you and try these 4 strategies to grow your business on social media. 

4 Proven Strategies for Instagram Growth:

1. Hashtags

Using Hashtags helps Instagram know how to categorize your content and who to show it to. Create hashtag banks for each of your content pillars on Instagram. Use a mix of broad to niche hashtags for the optimum reach. Put your hashtags in your Instagram caption or comments, whichever you prefer. 

2. Consistent Content Pillars

Develop 3 content pillars that reflect your brand and what you are selling. Post about each content pillar at least once a week. Your content pillars should be things you want to share about, need to share about, and educate your audience about what you do. Your content pillars should have a common thread so that your social media audience doesn’t get confused. 

3. Engagement

Engagement is more than just what your audience does to interact with your content. You have to engage with others as well. Creating a social media community with other people in your industry and your ideal clients is just as important as your audience engaging with you. Make sure to like, comment, save, and share other people’s content to grow your reach and community. 

4. Repeat content

Repeat the content that has performed well for you in the past. Depending on your goals, look at your IG analytics and find out what posts did well. Copy them. You can always change the reel, image, or caption a little bit – but keep the style and messaging the same. Your whole audience doesn’t see every single post, so they won’t notice you repeating content. Also, they need a lot of reminders about why they should work with you, so keep telling them!

Overall, the most important thing is to be consistent. If you’re posting on Instagram 6 times one week and nothing the following week, your content will not perform well. You don’t need to post on Instagram 3 times a day (and you probably shouldn’t). Posting once a day is perfect if you can manage that, and if you can’t, find a schedule that does work or hire a social media manager. Consistency is key.

The algorithm is always going to be changing, watch your analytics but don’t obsess over the algorithm. If your audience is truly engaged and you are being consistent, you don’t need to worry if this week 5 hashtags are performing better than 25 hashtags. 



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