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The Security Myth

by D'Arcy Benincosa


“If you want security, go to prison,” shouted the 6′ 7″ awakened giant (aka Tony Robbins) to a huge center full of 6,000 people. I haven’t always been on the Tony Robbin’s bandwagon. Not sure if I’m on it now. I got a pretty cheap ticket with a group of people and really wanted to experience one of these intense immersion experiences with my sister, April.

But, as soon as he got on stage, the pores of my skin opened up, and I took in every word he said, er…shouted. If I could bottle up all of those words and turn them into a magic Elixir of Freedom and give it to each person who truly believes that they have to stay in their “secure” world, I would. I would do it in a cliched heartbeat. Because once you stare the Security Myth Dragon straight in it’s red fiery eyes and you slay it–you feel like shouting to each person still in it’s clutches that it’s actually easier to slay than they ever would have imagined.

Whenever I bring up in conversations that people can live the life they want, have the job they want, and travel the world–I am met with two different reactions: those who believe it’s true (even if they struggle to believe it for themselves) and those who resist like crazy. The people who resist are the same ones who think that all of the things that have happened to me in the last year are simply because I’m lucky. They shout or fb message excuse after excuse to me. And I get it. Life can give you a lot of reasons to create excuses. I’m not immune to the excuse virus either. These people, the ones who don’t like that I’m happy, they cling to that monthly paycheck. They cling to the 9-5. They cling. They cling. They cling. They cling and they will never fly.

Take a moment, in your body, and feel. Feel how false security actually is. It’s a false belief to think that your 9-5 couldn’t ever go away. It can. It might. It could tomorrow. It’s a false belief to think that you are in a perfect place of security and that taking your life beyond that place will cause strife, poverty, and disempowerment.

The exact opposite is true.

It’s especially true if you belong to the other group of people. The people who’s ears perk, who’s palms sweat, who’s heart starts to race– when they hear voices like mine–these people know that they can’t go on ignoring the call from the Universe. Becoming that person isn’t an over night process, and I’m not an advocate for leaving your job tomorrow. But, I am an advocate for taking massive action, creating a vision, and breaking down the steps for making that vision come true.

“If you want to take the island, you have to burn the boats.” ~ TONY ROBBINS

“I never make a Plan B because it distracts from Plan A.” ~ WILL SMITH

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” ~ PAULO COELHO

With love and badassery,

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