High-end clients aren’t just looking for “pretty” photos—they want polished, editorial, expensive-looking imagery. Learn the luxury editing secrets that make all the difference.
1 goal
I came out of the womb doing jazz hands, just ask my mom. Heralded by my 8th grade English teacher as "hip, smart, funny, and possessing a penchant for drama that might be worrisome." I've taken my love for photography, storytelling, and straightforwardness to the bank by becoming the CEO of THREE 6 figure businesses. It all happened when I got really, really brave and left my "safe" day job. Now, I am here to help you do the same, with flare and a little pizzazz.
My life's purpose is 100% dedicated to educating, empowering, and showing you the steps to take along your PATH to success. One thing I know for sure, it's always better to PLAY IT BRAVE INSTEAD OF PLAYING IT SAFE. (#playitbrave)
I quit my full time job when I was only making $16,000 in a year doing photography. I took the big leap. I decided to play it big. I couldn't stay boxed in my comfort zone any longer!
Five years ago, I was tired. Sick and tired. I was stuck in a career that felt suffocating. I hated waking up in the mornings, lacked energy, and wondered what my great purpose in life was supposed to be. I watched the clock each day, waiting for the end of the day to just be here. I was in a romantic relationship that was going nowhere, stuck forever in a government job that would never pay me more than $50,000 per year, and wondered if this was ally my life was going to be.
It's time to face facts: You are an indestructible woman fused with super powers that defy convention. Am I right? If so, then this podcast is for you!
In PLAY IT BRAVE, D'Arcy dives in deep to her wit and wisdom to teach you about creating a life full of mindset, money, and marketing miracles! Let's get started!
Before I started working with D'Arcy, I felt overwhelmed, stuck, and anxious. I had been dreaming of turning my floral designs from an expensive hobby into a real and profitable business, but I didn't have a clear direction of how to do that.
Working with D'Arcy has been overwhelmingly positive. She is FULL of ideas and has an obvious passion for the work she does. I have felt totally supported and cheered on while working with her and I've accomplished much more in the past few months than I ever could have imagined.
More than anything, she's helped me feel confident that I am talented and driven and I CAN DO THIS! I feel like a totally different person compared to before and I definitely have a totally different business. One that's on the path of success.
"D'Arcy has helped me feel confident that I am talented and driven and I can do this!"
Before my initial meeting with D’Arcy, I had been in business part time for about two years. As my business continued to grow, I began to feel overwhelmed and unsure of the next steps I should take. Enter D’Arcy. After our first chat I knew my life would never be the same, in the best way possible.
With D’Arcy’s guidance and encouragement, I was able to not only leave my job, but also do things I never would have had the guts to try before. I traveled to Paris and captured a couple in love at the Eiffel tower. I reached out to a friend and crossed the country to take their photos in Yosemite National Park. I began to see things from a different perspective; these sessions may not have happened if D’Arcy didn’t open up my mind to what was possible.
"I was able to not only leave my job, but also do things I never would have had the guts to try before."
After my discovery call and after my husband quit his job, telling me in tears that he couldn't be in that field anymore, we decided to invest in me. I had literally no idea if or how D'Arcy could change things, but I could tell that we were kindred spirits, I trusted her, and I knew that even though I had learned a lot from courses I bought, I needed someone who knows the industry and could tell me what I couldn't see.
D'Arcy completely revolutionized what I thought my role would be in the industry. She told me how I could establish myself as an authority, have something to offer creatives in the wedding industry, and start making money right away. I honestly can't believe how my life has changed. She changed my whole family's life, and because of her mentorship, we've already made back in revenue what we spent on coaching.
"D'Arcy completely revolutionized what I thought my role would be in the industry."
Starting out with D'Arcy I was feeling overwhelmed and stuck in the current path my business was taking. I knew there was so much more out there for me to accomplish, but I couldn't figure out how to take those tools and use them. I was terrified to write that check for mentoring!
As we wrapped up our final session I was left feeling empowered by my 3 month journey with D'Arcy. I feel confident that I can and WILL accomplish the goals I set for myself. I invoiced over 15 times the amount for incoming jobs as I put out in paying D'Arcy. I’d say that was money well spent! I was no longer living in scarcity. My thermostat just keeps going up and up and up, and I'm excited for the future and to utilize the tools she gave me. Words will never do justice for how my emotional, physical and financial health were forever changed.
"Words will never do justice for how my emotional, physical and financial health were forever changed"