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Stop Letting Sales Scare You With Anthony Sarandrea

by D'Arcy Benincosa

Stop Letting Sales Scare You with Anthony Sarandrea and D'Arcy Benincosa on The Play It Brave Podcast

I recently polled my Instagram audience about why they find selling hard–maybe you’ll relate to some of their answers: 

“I’m afraid my dream client will turn down my offer.”

“I don’t know the right words to say to express my worth. And worse than that, what if they laugh or act offended when they hear my pricing?”

“I’m worried that my potential clients (and other people) will think that I am overvaluing myself–like who am I to be charging these prices?!”


“If I wouldn’t pay a certain price for something–why would anyone else???”

I’ve listened to all your concerns, and here’s what I have to say: it’s time to KICK THEM IN THE ASS AND OUT OF YOUR HEAD!

Think of selling like an art. It’s as important as learning to wield your camera or create authentic art. Selling (or what I like to call, serving) helps you go from a STARVING ARTIST to a WEALTHY ARTIST. 

It’s another Play It Brave Tuesday, and we’re talking all things selling with a true master, Anthony Sarandrea. Anthony runs a team that serves over a million customers every year.

He is consistently featured as one of the top entrepreneurs under 30. He was even featured alongside Snapchat’s founder, Evan Spiegel, as one of the “entrepreneurs that are changing the world.” Now that’s a resume! 

Here’s a peek from the pod that you can put into action right now:

A lot of artists have a negative context around the word “selling”. The truth is, you need to change your mindset.

“Helping performs better than selling.”

Who do you add value to? How? How? How? Push deeper into the how, and you’ll find that it becomes easier to “sell” or SERVE your audience.

There are a lot of things that you can do that allow you to get exposure to your people without having a massive budget. Anthony had some great ideas to get you started.

Some EASY and FREE things you can be doing to bring in customers:

  • Focus on giving insane value and over-the-top service. This creates repeat customers and referrals.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for referrals.
  • What are your customers doing outside of searching for your services/products? Become relevant and present in those places in some way.

One of the biggest questions I get is where to start if you think you’re ready to implement paid advertising for your business. Anthony had some great information that I feel is overlooked in the creative industry…

Where should you start with paid advertising?

  • We’ve all been searching for something and then all of a sudden you’re seeing ads for it all over social media and other websites. This is called retargeting, and it is cheaper and easier than it might seem!
  • If someone comes to your site and then leaves, you can now target those people by showing them ads for your services/products/opt-ins in other spaces.
  • This makes you look bigger than you are, and keeps you top of mind. Bonus! It also brings major brand recognition because people have to see something 5-7 times before them to recognize it.
  • Anthony recommends you spend a minimum of $100/month on retargeting.

Facebook Ads always seem so daunting, but they don’t have to be. Anthony is a true believer that if you dive into the trenches and learn the ins and outs of marketing your offers on Facebook, you’ll become better acquainted with who your customer base is, and how to sell to them. Here’s a list of some of his top Facebook marketing tips…

Facebook Marketing Tips:

  • Who should you be marketing to on Facebook? Anthony had a few go-to lists of people you can market to who he calls “low hanging fruit” 
  • Upload your current customers to Facebook, and they’ll market your ads to a “lookalike” group with similar interests and demographics.
  • You can also target people who like your page or friends of people who like your page.

The biggest fear that I hear from a lot of business owners is that you’re afraid of losing money when spending on paid advertising. Rule number one here is to Play It Brave… and when you’ve pushed past that fear, take into account some of these tips on how to get the biggest return on your investment (ROI) when spending money on ads!

How to get the most out of your advertising dollars:

  • The goal for your business shouldn’t be how to sell your products or services for the most amount of money, but how you can create recurring customers.
  • Recurring customers are either paying for the same product/service over and over again (think Netflix subscriptions, or annual family photos), or you’re cross-monetizing by selling them multiple different products/services (selling one course that then builds into another course).
  • Getting these people in a funnel to continue serving them is how you keep generating revenue.
  • Lastly, asking for testimonials and referrals that you can then use grow your audience further.

Finally, we ended the episode with Anthony’s top two things you could be doing better when it comes to marketing your offers, and these two things are nuggets of golden wisdom I truly hope you take into account the next time you put on your marketing hat!

2 Things you could be doing better:

  1. Be a method actor. Put your feet in someone else’s shoes and understand your target market.
  2. Check your ego. Be open to feedback and be able to adjust. When things don’t convert or work, don’t get emotional about it. Seek out what you can improve on. You’ll learn what people ACTUALLY want.

There’s sooo many more great tips and insights shared in the episode. Click here for all the ways to tune in.

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